Pictures - Gabriela Bell Photography
Hey Guys,
a few weeks ago I found this lovely polkadot dress at the Instagram Shop Mlovesl and since I bought it I can't stop wearing it. The polkadot print in black and white is suitable for so many different occasions and I was really surprised that it even looks good with my colorful hairband which I got from Mlovesl as well. I searched such a long time for a nice hairband which is colorful and comfortable to wear. I'm sure that the combination is not everyones taste but I love to combine different colors and fabrics to create new styles and combinations. I am sure that the most of us have so many beautiful clothes in their wardrobe but as soon as we have worn something a few times it gets boring and we want to buy something new. I think when we start to think about different combinations and try to combine our looks in a completely different way we find so much more inspiration in our own wardrobe. I tried this already a few times and I was surprised in how many different ways you can wear some clothes. If you need inspiration for some new looks I can also recommend you to check out pinterest or instagram because this are the best pages to find new look inspirations.
Best, Patty
you look so amazing here with that dress
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AntwortenLöschenDu siehst wunderschön aus! Ich mag solche Kopfaccessoires wirklich. Im Sommer trage ich alle möglichen Mützen und Stirnbänder und im Winter trage ich Wollmützen und Stirnbänder. Polka Dots sind ein Muster, das nie aus der Mode kommen wird :)
AntwortenLöschenDas menschliche Bewusstsein ist komplex – genau wie das Schreiben einer akademischen Arbeit. Wer sich damit schwer tut, kann sich an ghostwriter wenden und professionelle Unterstützung erhalten, um anspruchsvolle Themen fundiert zu bearbeiten.